Do you experience money problems? Perhaps a bad credit score, a low income, or devastating debt payments to make each month? It’s easy and very tempting to blame the government, credit card companies, or possibly even your parents for your problems. However, many people are unable - or proudly refuse - to ponder on the role they play in creating their own financial problems.
Below we give a few examples of when your money problems are mostly your own fault:
-You took out tens of thousands of dollars of student loans because you wanted to get a degree that you should have known would give you a low salary.
-You racked up credit card debt because you travelled, bought clothes, ate out, and purchased other unnecessary things just because “you deserve it.”
-You don’t know what a budget is. You signed up for all your fixed expenses (rent, mortgage, loan agreements, cable, etc) without even considering how much of your take home pay would be leftover after making those payments. That’s why you can barely afford food and gas after paying your bills.
-You were unable to get a proper insurance and then got crushed with unexpected medical or car bills.
-You took a debt that no one with your salary could ever cope with, and now you are unable pay it back. Collections, foreclosures, and/or bankruptcies have devastated your credit. Now you won’t get a loan and you may even be denied housing and certain jobs.
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